Air Fryer Peach Crumble

Peach Crumble on a dessert plate
Sweet peaches with a touch of cinnamon meets buttery, nutty crumble in a comforting and delicious peach crumble. A delightful treat that's hard to resist!

       Crumble desserts gained prominence in Britain during World War II as a response to rationing and food shortages. It quickly became a popular choice due to its simplicity, economic nature, and versatile recipe. Originally composed of flour, fat, and sugar, crumble recipes evolved over time to incorporate ingredients such as oats, nuts, and spices to enhance the dessert’s flavour and texture.

       While apples were the traditional fruit used in crumbles, the recipe expanded to include other fruits like peaches, leading to the emergence of peach crumble and various fruit variations. The adaptability of crumble recipes made them accessible and easy to make for anyone.

       Beyond its initial success in British homes, crumble desserts have traversed borders and gained appreciation worldwide. They are now cherished in households across the globe, making crumbles a beloved dessert enjoyed by many.


If you’re new to baking or simply lacking the energy to go on a full-fledged baking adventure (like me sometimes ), crumbles are the perfect dessert to satisfy your sweet cravings. Crumbles are beginner-friendly and require minimal effort—no need for a troop of pots and pans. It’s hard to go wrong with this dessert and even if you did – crumbles are incredibly forgiving. The best part is, most of everything you need to whip up a delicious crumble – are the usual suspects in your pantry!



If you don’t have parchment paper, try this trick: spread a thin layer of butter all around the baking pan, making sure to cover the surfaces that the crumble will touch. Then, sprinkle 3 teaspoons of all-purpose flour and gently shake the pan to evenly coat the buttered surfaces – discard the excess flour. This trick can also be applied when baking cakes.


Yellow peaches vs White peaches 

You could use both types of peaches for this recipe as both will taste great with this crumble recipe. However, if you’re aiming for a visually striking appearance,  go with yellow peaches as they add a pop of colour to the crumble.


If you prefer to omit dark brown sugar altogether, you can substitute it with fine white sugar (caster sugar). Just keep in mind that the dark brown sugar adds a hint of molasses flavour to the crumble which provides depth in terms of flavour wise to the crumble.


If opt not to use nuts, you can omit them entirely or use raisins instead. However, if you are including nuts, feel free to substitute the pecans with your preferred choice of nuts. Personally, I found that pecans or walnuts complement peaches well.


Begin by lining a 15cm (6 inches) baking pan with non-stick baking paper (parchment paper) to ensure it doesn’t stick. Set the pan aside for now. Then, coarsely chop the pecans and transfer them to a bowl, set aside.

Roughly chopped pecans on a chopping board

Prepare the peaches by peeling off the skin and removing the pits. Cut the peaches into cubes (they don’t need to be perfectly cubed). Place the peach cubes in a large mixing bowl.

Cubed peaches in a bowl

In the same mixing bowl with the peaches, add the dark brown sugar, fine white sugar (caster sugar), cinnamon powder, and a pinch of salt. Use a spatula to thoroughly mix all the ingredients together until the peaches are well coated. Set the mixture aside.

Peach mixture (after mixing) in a mixing bowl
Peach mixture (after mixing) in a mixing bowl

In another large mixing bowl, combine all the ingredients for the crumble mixture. Make sure the butter is at room temperature for easier mixing. Use clean hands to rub the butter into the rest of the ingredients until the mixture resembles wet sand. Set the crumble mixture aside.

Crumble mix in a bowl (before mixing)
Crumble mix in a bowl (after mixing)

Next, assemble the peach crumble. Transfer the peach mixture into the lined baking pan, ensuring an even distribution. Then, evenly spread the crumble mixture on top of the peaches, avoiding any firm packing but rather loosely layering it.

Peach mixture in the baking pan (before layering)
Layering the crumble mixture on the peach mixture in the baking pan

If your air fryer requires preheating, do so before baking. Place the peach crumble into the air fryer basket and bake at 160°C for 20 – 25 minutes or until the top turns golden brown. Note that different air fryer models may have varying temperature settings, so adjust accordingly.

Peach crumble before baking in the airfryer

After baking, allow the peach crumble to cool for about 5 minutes before serving.

Peach crumble after baking in the airfryer

Serve the peach crumble as it is or elevate it with a dollop of vanilla ice cream, vanilla custard, or both! 

Peach Crumble with custard topping on a dessert plate
Peach Crumble on a dessert plate

Peach Crumble

Sweet peaches with a touch of cinnamon meets buttery, nutty crumble in a comforting and delicious peach crumble. A delightful treat that's hard to resist!
Prep Time 10 minutes
Cook Time 20 minutes
Total Time 30 minutes
Servings 4
Calories 356.29 kcal


Fruit Mixture

  • 5 medium sized Peaches cubed
  • 15 grams Dark Brown Sugar
  • 15 grams Fine White Sugar (Caster Sugar)
  • 2 teaspoons Cinnamon Powder
  • 1 teaspoon Salt

Crumble Mixture

  • 40 grams Rolled Oats
  • 25 grams Dark Brown Sugar
  • 50 grams All Purpose Flour
  • 40 grams Unsalted Butter room temperature
  • 50 grams Pecans roughly chopped
  • 1 teaspoon Vanilla Extract
  • 1 teaspoon Salt


  • Line a 15 cm (6 inches) baking pan with non-stick baking paper (parchment paper) to prevent sticking. Set aside.
  • Coarsely chop the pecans and transfer them to a bowl. Set aside
  • Peel and pit the peaches, then cut them into cubes. Place the peach cubes in a large mixing bowl.
  • Add dark brown sugar, fine white sugar (caster sugar), cinnamon powder, and a pinch of salt to the peaches. Mix well with a spatula until the peaches are coated. Set aside.
  • In another large mixing bowl, combine all the ingredients for the crumble mixture. Make sure the butter is at room temperature. Use clean hands to rub the butter into the rest of the ingredients until the mixture resembles wet sand. Set aside.
  • Transfer the peach mixture into the lined baking pan, spreading it evenly. Layer the crumble mixture evenly on top of the peaches, lightly and loosely without packing it down.
  • If required, preheat your air fryer before baking. Place the peach crumble in the air fryer basket and bake at 160°C for 20-25 minutes or until the top turns golden brown. Adjust the temperature according to your air fryer model.
  •  Cool the peach crumble for 5 minutes before serving.
  • Serve the peach crumble as is or add a dollop of vanilla ice cream, vanilla custard, or both!


Per 1 serving
Total Fat: 18.25 mg
Sodium: 586.34 mg
Dietary Fiber: 5.38 mg
Protein: 5.2 g
Vitamin C: 9.59 mg
Cholesterol: 21.5 mg
Carbohydrates: 46.38 g
Sugars: 26.08 g
Vitamin A: 217.59 mcg
Iron: 1.86 mg

Daily values based on a 2,000 calorie diet.   

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