May 7, 2023

Ginger and garlic paste

Ginger and garlic paste in a small decorative plate
Ginger and garlic paste - from stir-fries to marinades, these two simple ingredients will add a burst of flavour to your cooking!

       Ginger and garlic paste is a flavorful paste that has become a staple in many cuisines around the world, particularly in Indian, Pakistani, Chinese and Bangladeshi cooking. This paste is made by finely grinding ginger and garlic together.

       In India, ginger and garlic paste is commonly used as a base for curries, marinades, and other dishes. Ginger and garlic paste has gained popularity worldwide over the recent years and can be found in most local Asian supermarkets.

       However, there are variations and regional differences in the way the paste is made. For example, in India, it is common to find green chilli added to the ginger and garlic paste, while in Pakistan, root turmeric is often added to the mixture. These regional differences give rise to unique flavour profiles, making ginger and garlic paste a versatile ingredient that can be used in a variety of dishes.


       The standard ratio for making ginger and garlic paste is typically 1 part ginger to 2 parts garlic. However, the ratio can be adjusted according to personal preference or the specific recipe being prepared. While the basic recipe for ginger and garlic paste involves grinding the two ingredients together, the ratio of ginger to garlic used can be varied to achieve a different balance of flavours.

       If you are making ginger and garlic paste for the first time, you can start with the recipe given below. However, keep in mind that it is perfectly acceptable to have more or less ginger or garlic in the paste – depending on your preference.


Garlic and ginger are two humble ingredients yet a classic combination that can add a powerful burst of flavour to a variety of dishes – especially those inspired by Asian cuisine.

Lets get buzzin’:

Ginger and garlic paste:

  • 2 thumbs of Ginger  
  • 8 cloves of Garlic 

In a mortar or grinder, combine garlic and ginger and pound or grind until a paste-like texture forms. Note that using a pestle and mortar may result in a less smooth paste, but this is normal. If using a grinder, add 1 tablespoon of water for smooth blending. Once ready, use immediately or store in a clean, airtight glass jar in the fridge for up to a week. Remember to use it within a week to prevent spoiling. To use the paste, simply scoop out the desired amount with a clean spoon and return the rest to the refrigerator.

Ginger and garlic in a mortar
Ginger and garlic paste in a mortar
Ginger and garlic paste in a small decorative plate

Ginger and garlic paste

 Ginger and garlic paste - from stir-fries to marinades, these two simple ingredients will add a burst of flavour to your cooking!
Prep Time 2 minutes
Cook Time 2 minutes
Total Time 4 minutes
Calories 25.89 kcal


  • 2 thumbs Ginger
  • 8 cloves Garlic


  • Combine garlic and ginger in a mortar or grinder and pound or grind until a paste-like texture forms.
  • Using a pestle and mortar may result in a less smooth paste, but this is normal.
  • If using a grinder, add 2 tablespoon of water for smooth blending.
  • Use immediately or store in a clean, airtight glass jar in the fridge for up to a week.
  • Remember to use it within a week to prevent spoiling.
  • To use the paste, scoop out the desired amount with a clean spoon and return the rest to the fridge.
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